
Showing posts from November, 2017

Freshman Fifteen: Review/ Cause of the 15

The infamous topic of the freshman fifteen was discussed with students who attend Michigan State University . From the information that they provided, they seemed to be very aware of what the freshman fifteen was, and they could understand reasons why students would gain weight in college. Both interviewee’s made mention that the freshman fifteen had not directly impacted them, but things such as not working out as often, and partying—could possibly lead to the reason some students do gain weight. “You know when you’re in high school for the most part a lot of kids are in a lot of sports some play year round, some play two or three,” said Joshua Kovacs , a sophomore at MSU. Kovacs goes on saying that many students halt with their exercise when they move to college leading them to become less fit. Statistics show that students only gain approximately three to six pounds, leading the freshman fifteen to be an over-exaggeration, which both interviewee’s agreed

Freshman Fifteen: Preview/ Is it real?

Incoming college students generally have a lot on their plate, whether that be settling into a new environment, handling a new class load, or planning for their future careers. One thing to add to the stack is this statement that has almost become fact amongst society today which is the “inevitable” freshman fifteen. The freshman fifteen is a statement that implies that when moving into college students allegedly more often than not put on a weight gain of 15 pounds. However, there isn’t to much factual data to back this up. Many say that a reason for the weight gain is students get to act and eat any way in which they choose and are no longer forced to live by their parent’s standards. Also added stress and partying are other reasons that are often given for possible weight gain. The people who can help in providing this information on college weight gain is no other than—college students themselves. Students at Michigan State University — which has a large range of food